Blackjack Game Rules

The goal of Blackjack is to beat the dealer by building a hand with total points equal to or as close as possible to 21 without busting.


  • The game is played with eight standard 52-card decks without Jokers. Card values are as follows:
    • All cards from 2 to 10 are worth their face value.
    • J, Q, K are each worth 10 points.
    • Aces count as 1 or 11, whichever is more favorable to the hand.

  • If the first two cards of a hand consist of an Ace and a 10-valued card, the hand is a Blackjack. If the player has Blackjack and the dealer does not, the main bet pays 3:2.
  • If the total points of the player’s hand is closer to 21 than that of the dealer, the main bet pays 1:1.
  • If the total points of the player’s hand is over 21, the hand Busts and the player Loses the main bet.
  • If the total points of both the player and the dealer are the same (≥ 17 points), the result is a Push and the player will have the refund of the bet.

Game Flow

  • When the game starts, each player can select a maximum of one seat at the table and place bets before the countdown ends. If a game round is in progress, the player will have to wait until the current game round has completed to take a seat or bet behind the seated position(s).

  • After taking a seat at the table, the player has to place a main bet (i.e. Ante bet). An optional Pair side bet can be placed after the main bet has been confirmed.

  • After the countdown is over, the dealer starts dealing one card to each seated player. Card dealing starts from the first seated player and continues clockwise, ending at the dealer’s own position. Then, the dealer deals a second card to each seated player.  The dealer’s hand receives only one  card at this stage. All cards dealt are face up.

  • The player can decide how to play his hand. The player has the right to opt for Surrender if the dealer’s first card is not an Ace or a 10-valued card. Moreover, the player may choose to Hit, Stand, Double Down, Split and/or purchase Insurance (if the dealer’s first card is an Ace). (Refer to “Player’s Decision” below for further detail.)

  • If the player does not make a move after receiving the first two cards, the system will Hit automatically until the player’s hand total is over 11 points. Otherwise, the system will complete the player’s hand by going for a Stand. The system will never leave the player with a busted hand.

  • If the player’s hand busts (total points higher than 21), the player’s round is over. No more card will be dealt to the player’s hand.

  • After dealing all the cards to all player hands, the dealer will deal the second card face up to her own hand. Dealer’s hand must draw to 16 and stand on 17 or above.

  • The seated player will be forced to withdraw from his position after one round of no action.

Player’s Decision

Each player is offered various options depending on the card combinations: Hit, Stand, Double Down, Surrender, Spilt, Insurance etc., to offset the risk or improve the point total of the hand(s).

Hit: Player can Hit to receive an additional card to his hand. He can hit more than once until he is satisfied with his card values, or until his hand busts.

Stand: Player can choose to Stand and receive no additional card to the hand in hope of beating the dealer with the current total.

Double Down: Player can choose to Double Down by placing an extra bet amount equal to his main bet. The double down option is only available to the player for the first two cards of his hand. By doubling down, the player will receive only one additional card to complete the hand and no further option will be available afterwards.

Surrender: Player may opt to Surrender after his first two cards are dealt if the dealer’s first face card is not an Ace or a 10-valued card. The surrendered player will forfeit his hand and lose half of his main bet. This option will only be available after the first round of card dealing and the player is not allowed to surrender after opting for other action(s).

Split: If the player’s first two cards have the same value, he can Split them into two separate hands by placing a second bet equal to the original main bet. The two cards will serve respectively as the first card of the two split hands. Each split hand then receives an additional card face up. Afterwards, the player can decide to hit or stand for each hand. Each player is allowed to have only one split (two hands in total) during each round.

If the first two cards of the player’s hand are Aces and the player splits the hand, the player will only receive one additional card for each Ace in each split hand. If the player receives an Ace and a ten-valued card in one or both split hand(s), the resulting hand will only be considered a non-Blackjack hand of 21 points (i.e. not Blackjack).

Insurance: If the dealer’s face-up card is an Ace, the player will be offered a chance to Insure his bet against the dealer potentially having a Blackjack. If the player opts for insurance, an amount equal to half the main bet will be placed separately on the table. If the dealer has Blackjack, the player will be paid 2:1 on his insurance bet. If the dealer does not have Blackjack, the player will lose the insurance amount, regardless of his hand winning or losing against the dealer hand.

Bet Behind: A non-seated player can Bet Behind on one or more seated players at the table. The bet behind player cannot influence the decision making by the seated player. Whether the bet for the hand from the bet behind player will be winning or not entirely depends on the outcome of the seated player’s hand against the dealer’s hand. (Refer to “Bet Behind – Additional Information” below for further detail.)

Pair: This side bet is available to both seated and bet behind players. The side bet pays 11:1 whenever the first two cards of the corresponding hand form a pair. A seated player can place a bet on the Pair area of his hand. For bet behind players, they can place Pair bets on multiple seated positions.


Bet Types / Game ScenariosPayouts
Per Hand – Blackjack Win3:2
Per Hand – Non-Blackjack Win1:1
Insurance – Dealer has Blackjack2:1

Bet Behind – Additional Information

The Bet Behind option is available at any position that is occupied by a seated player. You can become a bet behind player at more than one seated position during a particular game round. A seated player cannot play as a bet behind player at the same time.

The bet behind player will also be paid 3:2 for a Blackjack win. In the case of a non-Blackjack win, the payout will remain 1:1.

If the seated player splits his hand, the corresponding bet behind player will follow the first hand of the seated player. The bet behind player will have five seconds to decide whether to also follow the second hand of the seated player with an equal bet amount. If no action is taken, the player will be considered as declining to do so.

If the seated player opts to double down, the bet behind player will also be given five seconds to decide if he will follow.

Error Handling

Should disconnection occur during the game, the system will automatically finish the round for the player. If the player’s hand total is less than or equal to 11, the system will opt for Hit automatically until the total is over 11. (Note: Aces will be counted as 11 in case of internet disconnection, incomplete action or no action but they will not result in the player’s hand busted). Otherwise, the system will complete the player’s hand by going for Stand. Should any host system disconnection occur during the game, the current round will be invalidated and the entire deck will be reshuffled. All placed bets under the round will be returned to the player.

We reserve the right of final decision on the interpretation of game error(s) during each round. When a system error or a human error arises, all activities of the current round will be suspended, the entire deck will be reshuffled and such round will be canceled. All placed bets will be returned to the player.


The maximum RTP of the game is 99.39%.

In case of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English version and its translations in other languages, the English version shall prevail.